
Showing posts from August, 2007
We definitely have lots to share since the last update I sent out. Most importantly we had our baby girl, Jacey Hannah. For those of you who haven't heard, here's a short version of my labor and delivery experience... I was due to have Jacey on June 6th. Unfortunately my due date came and went and I had no signs whatsoever that Jacey was ready to come out. When I was two weeks overdue both Paul and my OB doctor were both really pressuring me to be induced. I tried everything I could find on the internet (with the exception of castor oil) to try to start labor naturally but it just wouldn't happen. I REALLY didn't want to be induced and so after much debate I finally convinced them to let me wait another 5-6 days (with fetal monitoring every other day) to see if Jacey would come on her own. Well, that very same day at 5pm I got a call from a doctor who had "double-checked" my monitoring strips from earlier that morning saying she saw something that concerned he...