Since the last time I wrote, we haven't had too much going on (which is a change for us). We did hand out hygiene kits to the homeless people in Balboa Park and downtown San Diego with our small group. We included McDonalds gift cards and also gave them some punch to drink and they were all so grateful. Before we were even out of sight we saw many of them already washing up with the wet wipes from the kits. Such a simple thing to do that was so appreciated! We also had several visitors in May. First some friends from VA stayed with us for 5 nights while they did some house hunting. They will be moving out here in July, so it will be nice to have a couple of familiar faces from the past living close by. It was in the 90s the whole time they were here so of course that was the time that our portable air conditioners decided to stop working! We were able to get them working enough to keep us cool but not without a lot of headaches! A friend of mine from IA also came into town for a wo...