
Once upon a time I used to like Halloween (most likely because it involved lots of sugar, which I am a big fan addict of). But ever since I moved out of my parent's house I have hated it. At my first house I would have teenage kids who were not even from my neighborhood come to my door without a costume on, ask for demand candy, and then trample my plants and kick my carved pumpkins on their way to the next house. I put up with it for two years and then decided to ban the holiday. I became the scrooge of Halloween, closing the curtains and turning out all the lights at 5pm every Halloween. But once I became a parent, I started struggling with the pressures of society telling me I was a bad mom if I didn't dress my kids up and take them trick-or-treating. I'm not a big fan of what Halloween represents, or of feeding boatloads of sugar to my kids, but I do find something endearing about getting out with m...