Hello again! Well, I'm under a month now until this baby is due. I don't think my belly can get any bigger without popping! Paul and I went to a birthing class last weekend, and also met with a doula (birthing coach) a few days ago to talk about natural childbirth. I'm going to try to have this baby without using any medication or drugs (which should be no surprise for those of you who know me fairly well). Paul has been telling me from day one to take the drugs, but I think this week I have finally won him over to my side. He said he will support my desire to deliver as natural as possible. I am feeling very good for being as pregnant as I am. My main complaints are heartburn (which Paul talked me into taking medication for) and hip pain from only being able to lay on my sides (I can't wait to sleep on my stomach again!). I'm still working out 5 days a week (which also shouldn't surprise those who know me), but I have had to cut down on a few things (no more running or sit-ups).

Paul is doing well. He is on his Orthopedics rotation right now, which he thinks is boring but the hours are pretty good compared to other rotations he's had. On 11/14 he starts an ER rotation at a community hospital about 20 minutes away from our house, which is where he will be when the baby is due. He doesn't get any paternity leave, but they said they will try to move his shifts around so that he can be off for a couple days when the baby is born.


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