It's been quite a while since I've sent out an update on our new little family. Well, Kade is 5 months old now (can you believe it?). He is rolling over and sitting up unassisted for short periods of time. He is also spending a lot of his time smiling and/or listening to himself make all kinds of crazy sounds (his favorite being gurgling his own spit!). He and I just got back from just under 3 weeks of vacation with my family in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. My parent's new condo there is very nice...80 degrees and sunny every day and a view of the ocean from every room! If you want an awesome place to go to get away for a week or two, let me know and I'll put you in touch with them! I also just got back from finding us a place to live in Groton, CT. We decided to rent out our house here in VA while we go to dive school, and we able to find a couple willing to sign a 3 year lease (praise God!!!). Because they need to move here in the beginning of June, however, we have to move our stuff to CT the first weekend of June. We will then come back to VA and live with some friends of ours until Paul graduates on June 30th. Then it's off to Groton for 6 months (well, actually only four because we will have to go to Panama City, FL for 9 weeks of dive training late this summer). Sometime this fall we will find out where Paul will have to do his 2 1/2 years of Navy payback time starting in January of 2007. It could be just about anywhere in the world so we have no idea where we'll end up. Once we're done with that Paul hopes to get out of the military and do a civilian Emergency Medicine residency in Minneapolis.
Paul is very excited to be finishing up his internship year at the Naval Hospital. The hours have been pretty long...especially this past month, which is why I left for vacation (the second week I was gone he worked 99 hours in one week!). We've learned though that it's all about your attitude...if you think you have it bad then it will feel that way. For the most part we just feel so blessed to be here. We've come a long way since Paul and I first met and he was getting rejected by medical school after medical school after medical school! God has been very good to us!
As for me, I am starting to get used to this whole "mommy" thing. Up until a few years ago I never thought I could be a stay-at-home mom, but it actually seems to suit me quite well. I've become quite addicted to Kade's drool-laden smiles and have made it my life's ambition to provoke as many as possible by any means necessary (boy I hope there are no hidden cameras in our house!). I plan to keep doing some personal training and Muscle Activation on the side, but very part time.
Paul is very excited to be finishing up his internship year at the Naval Hospital. The hours have been pretty long...especially this past month, which is why I left for vacation (the second week I was gone he worked 99 hours in one week!). We've learned though that it's all about your attitude...if you think you have it bad then it will feel that way. For the most part we just feel so blessed to be here. We've come a long way since Paul and I first met and he was getting rejected by medical school after medical school after medical school! God has been very good to us!
As for me, I am starting to get used to this whole "mommy" thing. Up until a few years ago I never thought I could be a stay-at-home mom, but it actually seems to suit me quite well. I've become quite addicted to Kade's drool-laden smiles and have made it my life's ambition to provoke as many as possible by any means necessary (boy I hope there are no hidden cameras in our house!). I plan to keep doing some personal training and Muscle Activation on the side, but very part time.