Well, enough of you have asked me for an update that I finally decided I had better get one out! As you all know, Paul and I moved to San Diego in late December. We are absolutely loving it here (except for the gas prices and sometimes the traffic). We are definitely all settled in now and it feels like we've been living here for a year! God has blessed us with a great house, a wonderful church, and very friendly neighbors (many of which have kids close to Kade's age). I have been fortunate enough to meet lots of other moms in the area, and we already seem to have established a nice routine for ourselves. We have church on Sunday mornings and a couples' with toddlers small group that meets at our house on Sunday nights, every other Monday night we meet with a couple neighbors down the street for game night, on Tuesday mornings I lead a mom's bible study at our house, Wednesday mornings I take Kade to the library for story time, Thursday mornings I walk with another grou...