Well, enough of you have asked me for an update that I finally decided I had better get one out! As you all know, Paul and I moved to San Diego in late December. We are absolutely loving it here (except for the gas prices and sometimes the traffic). We are definitely all settled in now and it feels like we've been living here for a year! God has blessed us with a great house, a wonderful church, and very friendly neighbors (many of which have kids close to Kade's age). I have been fortunate enough to meet lots of other moms in the area, and we already seem to have established a nice routine for ourselves. We have church on Sunday mornings and a couples' with toddlers small group that meets at our house on Sunday nights, every other Monday night we meet with a couple neighbors down the street for game night, on Tuesday mornings I lead a mom's bible study at our house, Wednesday mornings I take Kade to the library for story time, Thursday mornings I walk with another group of moms around a local lake, and on Fridays I take Kade to different local parks with yet another group of moms and also play volleyball at night. It's been nice to have something that gets me out of the house once a day and also to have met so many new people already. Our neighborhood just started heating the pool down the street on Sunday, so I'm looking forward to spending lots of time there as well.
As we anticipated, Paul is really liking his job. As with any position, there are a few things here and there that he would change if he could, but for the most part it seems to suit him well. He leaves the house around 6:30am, gets a nice long work-out in, and then starts his work day around 8 or 9am. For the first time since we've been married I am able to contact him during the day, and he is usually always home by 5pm. On slow days he'll be home at 2 or 3pm, and every other Friday he gets off at noon. What a change from med school and internship! Shortly after we got here, Paul's boss asked him if he was interested in deploying to Iraq and he said "yes." That very same day he was tentatively scheduled to deploy for two months in March and April. I was less than ecstatic about the idea of my husband leaving his family to go "fight the bad guys," but after a few days I started to accept it knowing that it's something he's always wanted to do. Over the next month his two month deployment turned into a six week deployment, and then a 1 month deployment, and then it got cancelled altogether. Very good news for me, but Paul was extremely disappointed. He still hopes to be able to go sometime during our time here in San Diego, but he probably won't get another chance until a year from now. He has been gone for a few days here and there for work related trips, but nothing more than a week at a time. He's actually headed to Florida this Sunday for some training, despite the fact that he had knee surgery two days ago. Back in January he tore his meniscus in his left knee during a workout, but since his pain eventually went away they decided to wait to do surgery until the pain returned. Well last Friday he managed to injure it again while running, so he saw an orthopedic surgeon on Wednesday and was scheduled for surgery the very same day. He took yesterday off to recuperate at home, and then today he was right back to work again.
As for me, I am definitely starting to feel the effects of pregnancy! At 31 weeks my energy level is down, my appetite is up, and my big fat belly is starting to take its toll on my back at night. The reality that we will soon have a newborn in the house again is starting to hit me, and I am taking advantage of every opportunity I get to sleep while I still can! We have several people visiting us this month and next, so I have a feeling these last 9 weeks are going to fly by and the baby will be here before we know it. For those of you who haven't heard yet, we are having a girl. My mom will finally get her granddaughter! We've decided that her first name will be Jacey, but we still haven't picked a middle name. Poor Kade doesn't know what's coming!
Speaking of Kade, he is officially a toddler now! He is walking all over the place. He has also learned quite a few baby signs to tell us what he wants (hungry, more, drink, outside, walk, etc.), and he is starting to say a few more words and animal sounds as well. My parents and grandparents came to visit us for about 5 days last week, so he had plenty of people to show off his new skills to. He is at a very fun stage, but he is also developing an independent spirit (i.e.. an attitude) so we have had to start disciplining him a bit more. He is cutting his first molar though, so that could be an attributing factor as well. He's still a good sleeper and eater, and he really enjoys playing outside so overall my job as a mom is pretty laid back. I doubt I will be saying that come June!!!
As we anticipated, Paul is really liking his job. As with any position, there are a few things here and there that he would change if he could, but for the most part it seems to suit him well. He leaves the house around 6:30am, gets a nice long work-out in, and then starts his work day around 8 or 9am. For the first time since we've been married I am able to contact him during the day, and he is usually always home by 5pm. On slow days he'll be home at 2 or 3pm, and every other Friday he gets off at noon. What a change from med school and internship! Shortly after we got here, Paul's boss asked him if he was interested in deploying to Iraq and he said "yes." That very same day he was tentatively scheduled to deploy for two months in March and April. I was less than ecstatic about the idea of my husband leaving his family to go "fight the bad guys," but after a few days I started to accept it knowing that it's something he's always wanted to do. Over the next month his two month deployment turned into a six week deployment, and then a 1 month deployment, and then it got cancelled altogether. Very good news for me, but Paul was extremely disappointed. He still hopes to be able to go sometime during our time here in San Diego, but he probably won't get another chance until a year from now. He has been gone for a few days here and there for work related trips, but nothing more than a week at a time. He's actually headed to Florida this Sunday for some training, despite the fact that he had knee surgery two days ago. Back in January he tore his meniscus in his left knee during a workout, but since his pain eventually went away they decided to wait to do surgery until the pain returned. Well last Friday he managed to injure it again while running, so he saw an orthopedic surgeon on Wednesday and was scheduled for surgery the very same day. He took yesterday off to recuperate at home, and then today he was right back to work again.
As for me, I am definitely starting to feel the effects of pregnancy! At 31 weeks my energy level is down, my appetite is up, and my big fat belly is starting to take its toll on my back at night. The reality that we will soon have a newborn in the house again is starting to hit me, and I am taking advantage of every opportunity I get to sleep while I still can! We have several people visiting us this month and next, so I have a feeling these last 9 weeks are going to fly by and the baby will be here before we know it. For those of you who haven't heard yet, we are having a girl. My mom will finally get her granddaughter! We've decided that her first name will be Jacey, but we still haven't picked a middle name. Poor Kade doesn't know what's coming!
Speaking of Kade, he is officially a toddler now! He is walking all over the place. He has also learned quite a few baby signs to tell us what he wants (hungry, more, drink, outside, walk, etc.), and he is starting to say a few more words and animal sounds as well. My parents and grandparents came to visit us for about 5 days last week, so he had plenty of people to show off his new skills to. He is at a very fun stage, but he is also developing an independent spirit (i.e.. an attitude) so we have had to start disciplining him a bit more. He is cutting his first molar though, so that could be an attributing factor as well. He's still a good sleeper and eater, and he really enjoys playing outside so overall my job as a mom is pretty laid back. I doubt I will be saying that come June!!!