I will start this update by telling those of you who don’t already know that we will be moving back to Minnesota after Memorial Day. Paul got matched to his number one choice of programs, Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC), in Minneapolis. Needless to say he is quite excited and I am just happy to finally know where we will be living for the next three years! We will most definitely miss San Diego, but we have been waiting a long time to be back close to family (4 years, actually) and so it will certainly be nice to go back ‘home’. Paul starts his orientation on June 15th, so we don’t have very long to get situated once we arrive. Paul is taking some time off from work to stay home with Kade and Jacey while I fly back to MN for 9 days with Kye to look for a house. Hopefully we will find one before we move. If not, my parents have a house near St. Cloud that we can stay at while we continue house hunting, but it would be quite a drive for Paul to go to work everyday (almost 90 minutes each way) so we’d like to avoid that if possible.
Paul went on his last work trip to Vegas in early February for 12 days. Since my parents were still hanging out down south in their RV for the winter, I decided to go visit them in the AZ desert with the kids. A few of my aunts and uncles were down there as well so they got to meet baby Kye and helped to keep Kade and Jacey busy. Unfortunately Kade starting wheezing from the dry air the second day we were there so I had to cut the trip a little short. We did get to ride my uncle’s three wheel recumbent bike and feed carrots to a ‘wild’ burro before we left though. After Paul got back from his trip I got to enjoy a few hours away from the kids while indoor rock climbing with a friend of mine. Definitely need to do that more!
The last weekend in February I finally gave in to Paul’s begging and attended a CrossFit seminar. For those of you who have been in contact with Paul at all during the last year, I’m sure he has at least mentioned if not tried to get you to do CrossFit. We would actually get into arguments about it, and so I decided to go ahead and take the seminar to find out more about it and try to understand it better. After two days hanging out with a bunch of ‘gym rats’ trying to keep Kye quiet and nurse him without making a scene, there are still a handful of things about CrossFit that I don’t agree with. I can see why my husband likes it so much though; its primary focus is intensity, which is right up Paul’s alley! We are now at least able to have a conversation about CrossFit without one of us storming out of the room, and we even did a CrossFit workout together last weekend at one of the affiliate gyms here in San Diego! Someday we hope to open a gym together that is some type of compromise between CrossFit and my style of training/working-out.
In early March I went on a 6 mile hike up and back down Iron Mountain outside of San Diego while Paul stayed home with the two older kids. Although I had Kye in the front carrier, it was another nice break from the kids. Now that our move date is rapidly approaching, I am really feeling the need to get out and enjoy the San Diego weather. Soon it will be gone and I will be regretting not having taken advantage of it more. I did some more hiking with Paul and the kids on our trip back to UT a couple weeks ago. Since we got snowed out of Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park on our last trip, we decided to head back before we move out of the southwest. In addition to Zion and Bryce we saw some incredible slot canyons (one that was so narrow that Paul could barely fit his shoulders though one spot), spent a night in a room with an incredible view of Lake Havasu, and even enjoyed a relaxing afternoon in Julian eating our favorite caramel apple pie with cinnamon ice cream on our way back home. I think we also set a record for the number of times crossing the same state border in one trip (AZ).
The kids are doing well. Kade actually had a very minor surgery this morning to remove some scar tissue that resulted from his circumcision back when he was first born. It was very short, but still a little scary since they had to put him under. He was a good little patient, as usual, and I don’t think he even realizes that they did anything to him while he was ‘asleep’. He was just happy to get sweet fruit punch and graham crackers afterwards and watch a lot more tv than he usually does! Jacey has become ‘little miss independent’ and likes to tell us what she does and does not want. She certainly will never be accused of being soft-spoken. I wonder who she could possibly get that from?!? Kye is 3 months old now and smiling a ton. It’s so nice to finally get that feedback from him. Makes the labor and delivery and all the nighttime feedings worthwhile!
Paul worked his last urgent care shift last Friday and has already started a countdown for his days left in the active duty military. The Navy has been very good to us, but it will be nice to return to the civilian world in June. He is also competing in the Superfrog race this weekend out on Coronado Island. It’s a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and 13.1 mile run. Why he thinks that is an enjoyable way to spend a weekend day, I do not know. I’ll stick to the sprint distance triathlons!
Paul went on his last work trip to Vegas in early February for 12 days. Since my parents were still hanging out down south in their RV for the winter, I decided to go visit them in the AZ desert with the kids. A few of my aunts and uncles were down there as well so they got to meet baby Kye and helped to keep Kade and Jacey busy. Unfortunately Kade starting wheezing from the dry air the second day we were there so I had to cut the trip a little short. We did get to ride my uncle’s three wheel recumbent bike and feed carrots to a ‘wild’ burro before we left though. After Paul got back from his trip I got to enjoy a few hours away from the kids while indoor rock climbing with a friend of mine. Definitely need to do that more!
The last weekend in February I finally gave in to Paul’s begging and attended a CrossFit seminar. For those of you who have been in contact with Paul at all during the last year, I’m sure he has at least mentioned if not tried to get you to do CrossFit. We would actually get into arguments about it, and so I decided to go ahead and take the seminar to find out more about it and try to understand it better. After two days hanging out with a bunch of ‘gym rats’ trying to keep Kye quiet and nurse him without making a scene, there are still a handful of things about CrossFit that I don’t agree with. I can see why my husband likes it so much though; its primary focus is intensity, which is right up Paul’s alley! We are now at least able to have a conversation about CrossFit without one of us storming out of the room, and we even did a CrossFit workout together last weekend at one of the affiliate gyms here in San Diego! Someday we hope to open a gym together that is some type of compromise between CrossFit and my style of training/working-out.
In early March I went on a 6 mile hike up and back down Iron Mountain outside of San Diego while Paul stayed home with the two older kids. Although I had Kye in the front carrier, it was another nice break from the kids. Now that our move date is rapidly approaching, I am really feeling the need to get out and enjoy the San Diego weather. Soon it will be gone and I will be regretting not having taken advantage of it more. I did some more hiking with Paul and the kids on our trip back to UT a couple weeks ago. Since we got snowed out of Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park on our last trip, we decided to head back before we move out of the southwest. In addition to Zion and Bryce we saw some incredible slot canyons (one that was so narrow that Paul could barely fit his shoulders though one spot), spent a night in a room with an incredible view of Lake Havasu, and even enjoyed a relaxing afternoon in Julian eating our favorite caramel apple pie with cinnamon ice cream on our way back home. I think we also set a record for the number of times crossing the same state border in one trip (AZ).
The kids are doing well. Kade actually had a very minor surgery this morning to remove some scar tissue that resulted from his circumcision back when he was first born. It was very short, but still a little scary since they had to put him under. He was a good little patient, as usual, and I don’t think he even realizes that they did anything to him while he was ‘asleep’. He was just happy to get sweet fruit punch and graham crackers afterwards and watch a lot more tv than he usually does! Jacey has become ‘little miss independent’ and likes to tell us what she does and does not want. She certainly will never be accused of being soft-spoken. I wonder who she could possibly get that from?!? Kye is 3 months old now and smiling a ton. It’s so nice to finally get that feedback from him. Makes the labor and delivery and all the nighttime feedings worthwhile!
Paul worked his last urgent care shift last Friday and has already started a countdown for his days left in the active duty military. The Navy has been very good to us, but it will be nice to return to the civilian world in June. He is also competing in the Superfrog race this weekend out on Coronado Island. It’s a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and 13.1 mile run. Why he thinks that is an enjoyable way to spend a weekend day, I do not know. I’ll stick to the sprint distance triathlons!