If you're not on Facebook, this is what you've missed since we moved to MN
I love having a real Christmas tree, but how ridiculous is it that I have to hire a 'tree-sitter' while we go on vacation for a week?!? There is no way around it if I still want our tree to be alive when we get back home... (8:51pm yesterday)
On tap for dinner tonight: grapefruit, deli ham, olives, extra sharp cheddar, and baby dills. It's called the 'mama doesn't feel like cooking' special! (5:09pm yesterday)
So I'm thinking of going on a 4-day ice cream diet. Nothing but ice cream for the next four days. Wonder what that would do to the scale. I'm thinking nothing too major if I don't eat any other food... (2:31pm December 6th, 2010)
Weight loss goal #2 achieved! 20 pounds lost in 3 months, which means all my baby weight is now off and I'm back down to what I weighed on my wedding day. So nice to know this is the last time I'll ever have to do this (unless God surprises us with an 'oops' baby)! One more goal to go... (6:49am December 5th, 2010)
If God is really in something, we don't have to take shortcuts, tell little white lies, or manipulate the circumstances to make it happen. ~Lisa Whelchel (12:30pm December 4th, 2010)
So although we don't do Santa in our house, we do have 'St. Nic' hats that we wear when we do something nice for others during the Christmas season. When I got them out the other day and Jacey saw them, she yelled out in excitement "Yay, mom has our Satan hats!" Apparently my attempts to evangelize to my kids is NOT working! :) (9:27pm December 2nd, 2010)
If you're a parent with kids still in your house and want some great ideas for rewarding/correcting/disciplining your children, I HIGHLY recommend "Creative Correction" by Lisa Whelchel. I couldn't put it down! (1:17pm December 2nd, 2010)
We're splurging on tickets to see Billy Elliot at the Orpheum on 12/21 at 7:30pm...anyone want to join us? The seats right behind us (row 12 of the main floor center section) are still avaliable... (12:12pm December 1st, 2010)
So we've got a sitter that we LOVE! Her brother is now babysitting with her for our small group & he seems to do fine with the kids. We need a sitter on a day she can't come but she said her brother can. I'm a little uneasy with the idea of a boy watching my kids alone (not because boys aren't capable, but because of what 'could' happen). I don't want to discriminate, but the what ifs are hard. Any advice? (7:24pm November 29th, 2010)
O, Pandora, how I love thee. Why oh why did it take me so long to find you? (8:56am November 28th, 2010)
No black friday shopping this year...don't really need anything and would much rather just stay in my warm bed tomorrow morning than fight the traffic and crowds in frigid temps. Will check out the deals on Cyber Monday from the comfort of my own home instead. (9:34pm November 25th, 2010)
Just finished labeling and organizing ALL our photos and videos so I can backup our computer before it dies. That's a big accomplishment considering how many media files one accumulates with 4 young kids! (9:12pm November 24th, 2010)
Returned the cheap ice cream maker I got a few months ago and used a gift card I got when I had Jolie to buy an ice cream attachment for my kitchenaid mixer and it works SO much better. So, this Thanksgiving I am thankful for homemade ice cream! :) (7:15pm November 24th, 2010)
Downloaded photos off my phone memory card for the first time in 4 years. Trying to label them all, but seriously can't tell if some of the baby pics are Jolie or Jacey!!! (1:35pm November 24th, 2010)
Just registered for the 2pm wave of the Warrior Dash...hope I don't regret it! (9:49am November 24th, 2010)
Yay, we got tickets to The Tonight Show the day between Paul's and my birthday in December...Happy Birthday to us! :) (12:48pm November 23rd, 2010)
With a very concerned look on her face, the childcare volunteer at church this morning informed me that Jolie had a "very yellow and runny looking diaper." Apparently she's never had or taken care of a breastfed baby before. :) (1:11pm November 21st, 2010)
Had some awesome one on one time with Kade today at the Mall of America for his 5th birthday including a free pass to the amusement park there, a free ice cream sundae from Ruby Tuesdays, a free kid's meal and dessert from Famous Daves, and a free blooming onion and $25 steak dinner from Tony Romas. That's my kinda day!!! :) (7:12pm November 20th, 2010)
Just put in a request for tickets to see a taping of the Tonight Show in December! Is it a valid prayer request that we get the tickets? :) (3:50pm November 19th, 2010)
In honor of Jimmy Kimmel's National Unfriend Day on FB tomorrow, I got a jumpstart and just purged over 100 facebook friends. Nothing against the people I deleted, just decided I didn't need to keep up on daily updates from 400 'friends'. I'll probably end up adding a few of them back, but you all obviously made the cut! :) (7:37pm November 16th, 2010)
Was doing such a good job of staying calm with my kids today until after bedtime when Jacey decided to come out of her room 3 times, play with her monitor, and then lie about it all. Fortunately, she takes after her dad and is a terrible liar so she's easy to catch. I walk into her room and she immediately says "Mom, I didn't play with my monitor." (8:46pm November 15th, 2010)
8am: "Mom, can we go play in the snow?" 8:03: "Mom, we need help getting our snowpants on." 8:05: "Mom, can you help us with our coats?" 8:08: "Mom, I can't get my mittens on." 8:10: "Mom, I get get my feet in my boots." 8:15: "Ok, we're ready to go outside." 8:20: "We're cold. We want to come in." Ahh, winter has officially begun! (7:09am November 14th, 2010)
Celebrated Kade's b-day a week early with cake and presents today since grandpa and grandma are here. When asked what he wanted to do with the money he was given, he said to use it to pay for sending out the boxes we put together for Operation Christmas Child. I <3 that boy! (6:22pm November 13th, 2010)
My love-hate relationship with my kids is making me feel like I have a split-personality disorder. (4:18pm November 12th, 2010)
3 little mini-biscuits from Ruby Tuesdays and 1 small hot apple blast from Caribou Coffee had almost as many calories as the rest of the food I ate yesterday combined. Yowza! And we wonder why it's so hard to lose weight... (1:46pm November 6th, 2010)
Managed to get 7 shirts for less than a dollar yesterday thanks to shopping from clearance racks and three $10 coupons I got in the mail from JCPs. Still can't believe they keep sending those to me! (8:27am November 6th, 2010)
Massage, shopping, girl's night out...today was a mini version of the vacation I was needing. Thank you husband! (10:25pm November 5th, 2010)
Actually had someone de-friend me today because of differing political views. Now THAT is lame! Guess I don't have to worry about them seeing this post though, since they're not my 'friend' anymore. I wonder how many of my facebook 'friends' I could actually count on as a friend. Perhaps there should be the option of labeling people as family, friends, or acquaintances on facebook. (8:34pm November 3rd, 2010)
Reached my 1st 'operation baby phat' weight loss goal today. Yahoo! The self-discipline finally paid off after 2 months, and I beat my sel-imposed deadline by 4 days! 7 more pounds to reach goal #2... (5:42pm November 3rd, 2010)
Brought the food shelf items in today...8 full bags weighing 106 pounds. Not bad for 2 little kids on Halloween. Got a tour of the warehouse too...pretty cool! (12:15pm November 2nd, 2010)
Learned how to knit last night. It's easier not to mess up compared to crocheting, but SO much slower! Don't think I have the patience for it. (4:39pm October 28th, 2010)
So happy to have found Oscar Mayer Natural lunch meats. Now I can feel ok about eating it and giving it to my kids since it doesn't have any nitrates in it. Just meat, sea salt, potato starch, & celery juice. It's the little things in life... (12:50pm October 27th, 2010)
Just finished printing out fliers to hand out to the neighbors for Halloween. We are going to "trick-or-treat" for food and personal care items to donate to a local food shelf. This is the first time in a long time I am actually looking forward to Halloween, and the kids are excited too! If you're interested in trying it, I can email you the flier we made. (1:17pm October 25th, 2010)
In an effort to spend less of my day as a stay at home mom on the computer and more of it doing things with the kids, I got up 90 minutes early to get all my 'online' stuff done before the kids wake up. Hopefully I can resist the temptation the rest of the day. (7:00am October 25th, 2010)
In an effort to 'play' more with my kids, we made playdough today and put our creativity to the test. It's amazing the things you can create with a little flour, salt, water, and oil! (1:04pm October 24th, 2010)
10 pounds gone! 3 more to go to reach goal #1. Gonna try to do it before Jolie is 3 months old (on 11/7). Then on to goal #2. (8:55am October 23rd, 2010)
"Although parents have a God-given responsibility for bringing up their children, [they] cannot bear the total responsibility for how each kid turns out." Even God, the perfect parent, does not have perfect children so how can we expect to? Thank you, author Jean Fleming, for this wise perspective that I definitely needed to hear today! (12:50pm October 21st, 2010)
Taught the kids to make their own breakfast this morning. Genius! No more whining about wanting breakfast. Also thought of a new consequence for not behaving...going to bed 5 minutes earlier for each offense. A punishment for them and a break for me! :) Love having new tools in my mom toolbox. (10:31am October 18th, 2010)
Yesterday I found ice cream in the fridge. Today I found tuna salad in the cupboard. I have officially lost my mind! I think I lost 1/4 of it with each child... (4:36pm October 11th, 2010)
My new favorite quote for stay-at-home moms: "If you have older children and you are still cooking and cleaning then you have missed your promotion.” My parents both worked and they still got their promotion quite early! (8:10am October 8th, 2010)
Dreaming of the day when my husband has a (somewhat) normal schedule and I can make evening plans outside the house without getting a babysitter. (6:20am September 29th, 2010)
A friend mentioned this and I had to pass it on: Lindsay Lohan, 24, is all over the news because she's a celebrity drug addict. While Justin Allen 23, Brett Linley 29, Matthew Weikert 29, Justus Bartett 27, Dave Santos 21, Chase Stanley 21, Jesse Reed 26, Matthew Johnson 21, Zachary Fisher 24, Brandon King 23, Christopher Goeke 23, and Sheldon Tate 27 are all Marines that gave their lives this week; no media mention. (9:01am September 28th, 2010)
Jolie slept from 9pm to 8:30am without waking. What a trooper! Hopefully she'll do it again tonight... (8:12pm September 27th, 2010)
4 kids, a $300 grocery bill, 20 completely stuffed reusable grocery bags, and 1 insane mama..we only survived because my angel of a baby was kind enough to sleep through the entire 3 hour ordeal! (1:22pm September 18th, 2010)
Jolie gave ME the best possible gift for HER 6 week birthday...8 straight hours of sleep followed by 5 minutes of eating and another 2 hours of sleep! (8:34am September 18th, 2010)
Whoever said no crying over spilled milk never had to clean their entire kitchen because of said milk! (5:34pm September 16th, 2010)
Although I'm sad that he's gone, I am so glad my grandpa can be with my grandma again. Them being apart just wasn't right. RIP Grandpa. (1:40pm September 16th, 2010)
Saw this in a comment today and had to pass it on...Parents: Your job is to decide what food is offered, when the food is offered, and where it will be eaten. Your child's job is to decide if they will eat or not, what they will eat from the food offered, and how much they will eat. Let's remember who is in charge! (2:39pm September 13th, 2010)
4.5 pounds of baby weight lost in 7 days thanks to counting calories and some CrossFit workouts...not sure I can continue that amount of weight loss next week, but it's a great start! (1:28pm September 12th, 2010)
All 4 kids in bed by 8pm. Amazing! Now mama has to get off facebook and go to bed too! (8:45pm September 9th, 2010)
It's 4pm, I have 4 kids, and the house has been completely silent for at least 20 minutes...I wonder what the kids are up to?! (4:02pm September 9th, 2010)
Getting organized for the fall. My daily checklist and kids' chore chart are done. Now we'll see if we can stick to them for more than a day! (11:41am September 6th, 2010)
Last night Jacey decided to pull down her pants, pee on the side of the street, and watch it run down towards the sewer drains. Lovely. (11:23am September 2nd, 2010)
So Jacey brought her lunch outside to eat and it ended up staying there for a couple hours. I went out to get it and there must have been 30 flies on it. I could literally see fly poo on the food...disgusting! (5:43pm September 1st, 2010)
Do what God tells you. Walk in the paths he shows you; Follow the life-map absolutely, keep an eye out for the signposts, his course for life set out in the revelation to Moses; then you'll get on well in whatever you do and wherever you go. 1 Kings 2:3 (6:12pm August 31st, 2010)
God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I cleaned up my act, he gave me a fresh start...I feel put back together, and I'm watching my step. God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes. 2 Samuel 22:21-25 (6:22pm August 30th, 2010)
Why is it that the very people who say they don't have enough money are the same people who go out and spend the money they do have on unnecessary things. I just don't get it. (8:47pm August 27th, 2010)
Just fed Jolie her first bottle. She picked it up fairly quickly...whew! (10:05am August 27th, 2010)
Older 2 kids went home with my in-laws yesterday, so today was the perfect day to begin Operation Baby Phat. If I can stay motivated hopefully it won't take more than a month to get this baby weight off. I'm about to go do my first CrossFit workout in 22 weeks (which is why I'm stalling on FB)! :) (6:56pm August 23rd, 2010)
So Lady Gaga's "California Girls" was on the radio and Jacey was singing along "God is for ya" in place of the "Cal-i-for-nia" part. Perhaps those should be the lyrics instead... (7:29am August 22nd, 2010)
I have a 5 day old baby, it's 4am, and I can't sleep...that's just wrong! (3:53am August 12th, 2010)
Live-in babysitters are here, now we just need a new baby! Doctor is giving her a week before scheduling either an induction or c-section. I REALLY hope it doesn't come to that. (2:23pm August 2nd, 2010)
Paul had a rough night at work last night...worked on a little 3 YO girl's brain and she ended up not making it. He took it pretty hard. Definitey a downfall of the job. (8:21am July 31st, 2010)
Found a plaque at a garage sale yesterday to hang in our gym to help motivate me to lose my baby weight in a couple months. It reads, "Please your Hubby Don't Get Chubby." My husband is a big fan of it already. (7:58pm July 30th, 2010)
Per the suggestion of my friend Donna, I am currently attempting to eat an entire pineapple to try to induce labor. I'm either gonna have a baby or just a lot of canker sores. At least if it doesn't work, it's still a tasty snack! (6:08pm July 30th, 2010)
If I haven't had this baby yet, I'm going to check out the splash pad in Robbinsdale on Thursday morning if anyone wants to join me. North Memorial Hospital is right across the street if I happen to go into labor while I'm there! :) (11:43am July 26th, 2010)
Since it's supposed to rain off and on all day, anyone want to go bowling with me and the kids in St. Louis Park tomorrow morning? It's free with my groupon! (3:41pm July 21st, 2010)
I'm officially ready for the baby to come anytime now. Sometime in the next 3-5 days would be great! (8:04am July 21st, 2010)
Paul got his truck broken into last night. They took about $400 worth of his things, but at least it's just stuff that can be replaced. I'm feeling blessed that $400 doesn't mean no food on our table like it would for some. Worst part is that they found and took his spare key to the truck, so we're not sure what to do about that. Next time they may just drive off with it since he parks in the same ramp everyday. (1:07pm July 19th, 2010)
Can't believe I never thought to put fresh strawberries on a peanut butter sandwich instead of jelly. Pair it with natural, sugar-free PB and high protein/fiber bread and you've actually got quite a healthy little number for a kid's lunch! (8:19am July 16th, 2010)
While standing in line at a store today, a little boy pointed at my belly and asked his dad if there was a baby in there. I turned, smiled, and said "yes, there is". His dad followed that with "you were in your mom's belly before you were born too, but mom was a LOT bigger than she is!" Wonder if that comment will come back to bite him in the butt??? (8:53pm July 15th, 2010)
Went to the doctor yesterday and she couldn't tell me the position of the baby by feeling my belly. So, she checked me (for about 30 seconds...ugh!) and said she felt the sutures of the baby's head and so therefore baby is head down. I can't say I have complete confidence in her assessment (mainly because she didn't portray confidence) so I'm hoping to have Paul do an ultrasound on me after work on Sunday morning. (3:14pm July 8th, 2010)
Can't bring myself to admit exactly what I ate today, but let's just say it included lots of bacon, sugar cereal, and candy bars... (5:42pm July 6th, 2010)
Paul starts his worst 2 months of residency tomorrow. Fortunately he got the baby's room (or should I say closet) done today. All that's left is for me to tape, mud, sand, and paint. Also have to re-grout our shower. Woohoo... (8:30pm June 30th, 2010)
Starting tomorrow at noon, Paul has 7 straight days off from work. Can't wait! (8:12am June 23rd, 2010)
Finally made it to Como Zoo today. It's really sad I've never been there (or at least I have no memory of it) and I've lived within 90 minutes of it most of my life! (5:29pm June 21st, 2010)
Had a stroke of genius in trying to figure out what to make the kids for lunch at the last minute today. They love PB on celery, and they love PB sandwiches. So, why not a PB & celery sandwich? They loved it! Maybe next time I'll even throw on some raisins for an ants on a log sandwich. (12:53pm June 15th, 2010)
Thank you, Ragu, for making a pasta sauce without sugar. This almost makes up for all the kidney beans having sugar in them now. I'll just be opening my jar of pasta sauce while I'm cooking dried beans. Some day maybe I can have my (sugar-free) cake and eat it too! (6:19pm June 10th, 2010)
How many 4 YOs out there would request whole wheat egg noodles with asparagus and tahini sauce for dinner? With an empty fridge it's what I came up with to feed the kids last night and Kade actually asked to have it again tonight, despite having a fridge full of groceries! When he gets married someday he should be easy to cook for. (6:15pm May 27th, 2010)
Apparently 95 degree weather is what it takes to get a big-bellied, pregnant mom of 3 to run through a sprinkler...oofdah was it hot yesterday! (8:09am May 25th, 2010)
Today I shaved just the lower half of my legs for the first time in my life. I am officially middle-aged! (12:51pm May 24th, 2010)
Just read the following quote from John Ortberg, "Surrender means that I will seek to handle the problem facing me in a way that honors God. The options that look attractive to me...I relinquish to God." I've had a bad start to the morning with the kids (instead of surrendering, I went with the attractive options of yelling and punishing in anger), but from here on out I'll try to surrender instead. Thanks John! (10:34am May 21st, 2010)
According to Reader's Digest, without enough sleep I become a tall 2 year-old. I guess I would agree with that! (7:27am May 13th, 2010)
In a rut...this rain and cold needs to go away pronto (especially since we're having a garage sale on Thursday)! (4:03pm May 11th, 2010)
Got the kitchen tile painted and the new sink and garbage disposal installed yesterday. So nice to be able to cross those off our never-ending home improvement list! (7:14am May 7th, 2010)
So one trimester away from my 4th child being born, I've discovered a new perk of pregnancy...big bellies make a great spot to store the remote control between commercials! Who'd a thunk it? (9:53pm May 4th, 2010)
Facebook has over 400 million users and is the second most visited website after Google. Crazy. (4:31pm April 27th, 2010)
I managed to save $245 on Paul's protein bars that he lives off of in the hospital by having the grocery store special order 30 cases for me when they were on sale. Not bad, if I do say so myself! Perhaps I should get to spend that money on ice cream. ;) (7:33pm April 20th, 2010)
On a mild, 70 degree sunny day like this I truly appreciate being a stay-at-home mom so that I can enjoy the best part of the day outdoors with my kids! As a bonus, I also get to have some alone time outside while they take a nap. (1:07pm April 20th, 2010)
For 3 years straight, 99 cent spray bottles continue to dominate as the favorite outside toy for my kids. Even better, they are now big enough to fill them without my help! (1:00pm April 20th, 2010)
Kids are eating lobster bisque for dinner (leftovers from my dinner out last night). They weren't too sure about it at first, but now they say they like it. Did you know that lobsters used to be considered rodents of the sea and were only fed to prisoners? Useless trivia of the day... (6:37pm April 16th, 2010)
As of 2 days ago, Kye is finally officially walking. Still on his own terms, but walking nonetheless. And speaking of walking, I continue to walk the line with this no ice cream thing. I found some tasty frozen yogurt that just might get me through this pregnacy with my sanity still intact. Thank you Kemps! (8:44am April 16th, 2010)
Have been awake since 1:30am. So tired, but just can't seem to fall asleep. It's going to be a long day... (4:02am April 15th, 2010)
I am about at my wits end with the kids and it's only Tuesday. Not a good sign. (6:00pm April 13th, 2010)
If you haven't seen "Love Happens" with Jennifer Anisten, I recommend it. Great chick flick that maybe even a guy might like (or at least tolerate). (9:25pm April 10th, 2010)
Trip to San Diego in June is booked! Just wish I was gonna be there over the weekend so I could go to a church service at Eastlake. Man I miss that place! (7:11am April 9th, 2010)
Eating cookie dough and an N/A strawberry daquari for lunch just because I can! (12:35pm April 8th, 2010)
I would like to thank mother nature for the first snowless March in MN ever recorded in weather history and for the 60 and 70 degree temps coming this week. Makes moving back here a little less shocking to my system. (7:56pm March 28th, 2010)
Managed to continue with CrossFit through 20 weeks of pregnancy, but it's time to throw in the towel until after the baby is born. I spend more time trying to modify their workouts than it takes me to just make my own. Hopefully the consistency of my workouts won't suffer as a result though. So glad this is my last pregnancy! (7:30pm March 26th, 2010)
I guess I already knew this, but it was re-confirmed today...I have absolutely ZERO willpower when it comes to ice cream. If it's in the house, I WILL eat it!!! (10:38am March 25th, 2010)
Let the yardwork begin. So nice to be outside in the sun again!!! MN is only a bad place to live for about 4 months of the year. Can I become a snowbird at the age of 31??? (12:53pm March 14th, 2010)
Thanks to spring melting/rain and our backyard being the low spot of the neighborhood, we now have a pond in our backyard (ducks included)! (6:27pm March 11th, 2010)
Usually I'm not a big fan of the rain (because it typically means the sun is not out), but when it's helping to melt the snow I am all for it! (5:26pm March 9th, 2010)
It's official, my need for things to be even and orderly has carried over to my child-bearing...now that's a control freak! :) Boy, girl, boy, GIRL, with all four kids being a year and a half apart (which means four kids ages 4 and under when the youngest arrives). Whew! (5:13pm March 9th, 2010)
Almost halfway through my pregnancy! The second trimester always flies by. Get to find out the gender on Tuesday afternoon...can't wait! (7:23am March 7th, 2010)
Resolutions have now made it through 2 months, a vacation, and 4 days staying in my parent's motor home at my grandpa's house that was full of people and lots to do. Did get a little behind on my workouts and bible reading, but thanks to double workouts and some extended reading time, I was able to catch up on both. (8:05am March 4th, 2010)
Anybody know someone who knows about roof/truss architecture in the Twin Cities area? We want to turn our garage attic space into another bedroom but there are trusses in the middle of the space that need to be restructured... (5:18pm March 3rd, 2010)
While working out the other day, Kade says to me, "Mama, your belly gets fat when you do that!" Thanks for the self-esteem booster, kid! (2:43pm March 2nd, 2010)
Actually ran and biked outside with the kids today. SO nice to finally get some fresh air! (5:18pm March 1st, 2010)
Ah, spring is in the air! Kids are actually playing outside willingly for the first time in months. Whoever invented sidewalk chalk is a genius! (11:28am February 28th, 2010)
It doesn't take much intelligence to see something wrong, but it takes wisdom to know how to properly respond to it. (1:42pm February 27th, 2010)
After being gone for almost 2 weeks, I am now back home and back to normal life (if there is such a thing in the Nystrom household)! (9:25am February 27th, 2010)
Sad that my grandma is gone, but comforting to know I'll see her again someday. (8:45pm February 26th, 2010)
Kids are gone to Grandpa & Grandma's for the next 8 days! What a fabulous Valentine's Day present. Too bad Paul is working all night! :( It sure is quiet around here. Gonna change that by blaring my favorite songs in the house just because I can!!! (3:09pm February 14th, 2010)
Anybody have any recommendations for things to do/see in Key West or Miami? (9:26pm February 13th, 2010)
Thank goodness it's a one rep max day today...I just might be able to do that even feeling sick. (5:11pm February 13th, 2010)
Dreaming of wearing shorts again, but dreading the packing. Not complaining, of course, just not looking forward to it! (9:30am February 10th, 2010)
Kye slept from the time we got home from the hospital (12:45pm) until 6:45am this morning. Nothing like 18 hours of sleep to help the sick bugs go away! (7:15am February 10th, 2010)
Back home with Kye. The first test for RSV yesterday was negative, but they did a 2nd, better test late last night and it came back positive . Hopefully he is through the worst of it. Now just some coughing for the next week or two. (1:09pm February 9th, 2010)
Poor Kye is back in the hospital again, this time for at least an overnight stay. Looks like he might be taking after his asthmatic big brother...NOT what I wanted them to have in common! Hopefully we'll be able to take him home tomorrow. (9:12pm February 8th, 2010)
"To Lord, a to Lord, a to member me...may beyon da goose!" ('Do Lord' lyrics according to Jacey) (11:51am February 6th, 2010)
So when you have a horrible dream that seems to go on forever, are you actually getting quality, restful sleep during that time? I woke up from one a couple nights ago after getting a good 7-8 hours of sleep and felt like I hadn't slept hardly at all. Just wondering... (5:42pm February 3rd, 2010)
I swear they put crack in cold cereal...I could eat it for every meal of the day! (5:40pm February 2nd, 2010)
Resolutions have officially made it through one month. February is when people usually bail on them though, so we'll see how the month goes. Our vacation is definitely going to make it a bit harder, but "I think I can!" (7:27am February 1st, 2010)
So should my 'day of rest' each week as a stay at home mom involve time away from the kids? If so, I am definitely not getting enough rest! (7:50am January 31st, 2010)
So Kade decided to put peas in his nose at lunch today. He comes up to me teary-eyed afterwards and asks if I can help get them out. So, I blow his nose and sure enough, out comes a pea. Two hours later he comes down from his nap and informs me, "Mom, during my nap I still had a pea in my nose. I got it out and then I ate it!" That's my boy! (2:12pm January 30th, 2010)
I think we need a family play day! Paul has Monday off (kind of) so I think I'm going to try to convince him to go with me and the kids to the community center for a day at the pool. We'll splash away the winter blues! (12:22pm January 28th, 2010)
Had to call 911 at 10:30pm while Paul was at work (in the ER, mind you). Kye developed croup a few days ago & woke up w/ labored breathing (lungs retracting & each breath sounding like a straw when you get to the bottom of a milkshake). Fortunately Paul's work let him come home and bring Kye back to the ER himself rather than the ambulance having to take him (without me). Hopefully he'll sound better today! (7:48am January 28th, 2010)
I am SO done with winter! With each day below 30 degrees MN is moving further and further down my list of places I want to live after residency. (5:28pm January 27th, 2010)
Belly stickin' out, belly stickin' out, lookin' like a fool with my belly stickin' out! Regular pants too small, maternity pants too big...'bout ready to leave my pants on the ground! (6:41pm January 25th, 2010)
So apparently it's a bit slick outside. Paul parked the van just outside the garage so he could clean it. A little while later I looked outside and noticed it was half in the street. That means the car slid all the way down our driveway (about 40 feet) on its own. That's a little scary! We're just glad it didn't cause an accident! (8:43am January 23rd, 2010)
It's fairly depressing when you reach the point that your belly is bigger than your chest! Don't really look pregnant, just fat! But in light of what a few of my friends are currently going through, I am counting my big fat belly blessings! You all are in my prayers... (5:42pm January 22nd, 2010)
First trimester over...yay! Nausea is gone for the most part, and I can actually stay awake past 9pm! Still don't have much energy throughout the day though. Unfortunately, I don't think that's gonna get better for about 18 more years! (7:31am January 22nd, 2010)
So apparently two of my three kids are now spoken for in marriage. Jacey informed me that one of our babysitters, Josh, is her boyfriend and she is going to marry him. After hearing that, Kade said that he is going to marry Josh's sister and so she will be his wife. Can it really be that easy? :) (4:25pm January 17th, 2010)
Apparently Kade wants us to name the baby Barney...not sure that's gonna make the final list! (10:10am January 16th, 2010)
Ok so in hindsight, drinking 3 cups of coffee at Paul's holiday work party last night to try to stay awake was a very, very bad idea! Still tired at the party, but oh so NOT tired now at 3:30am. Today is going to be a LONNNGGG day!!! (3:38am January 16th, 2010)
Tickets booked! Managed to use miles for the trip there and got a great one-way rate for the trip back, so mission 'relatively cheap vacation' accomplished! (9:49am January 13th, 2010)
Got to experience a little flash of my life in San Diego today...thanks for the visit, Jenny! It was awesome to see you again!!! (10:08pm January 11th, 2010)
It's definitely a rough day when I resort to putting a movie on for the kids! (5:58pm January 9th, 2010)
Despite being pregnant and eating whatever crappy food will not make me sick, I still managed to finally be back down to my wedding weight this morning. Could it be the CrossFit??? Too bad the scale will start going back up soon! (9:15am January 9th, 2010)
Got the cruise booked. Now I 'm just hoping airfare goes down in the next week or two! (6:03pm January 7th, 2010)
snow + spray bottles filled with water dyed with food coloring = OUTSIDE fun for the Nystrom kids (and a few minutes of peace and quiet for mom!) (9:32am January 7th, 2010)
Kade, with his brutal honesty, decided to inform me in a busy public restroom today: "Mom, you have a really big butt!" I decided to follow in the nurse's footsteps from a couple weeks ago and just say "Thank You!" But then I had to do the walk of shame through the restroom, knowing that everyone was probably looking at my rear end. Gotta love that kid! (1:39pm January 6th, 2010)
Read Bible, check. Workout, check. No fast food, check. New Year's resolutions are off to a good start. :) (9:39am January 1st, 2010)
Celebrated New Year's Eve by catching up on Survivor and making homemade ice cream in a bag. Now off to bed so I can start my New Year in a good mood! :) Happy (early) New Year to everyone! (9:38pm December 31st, 2009)
Not sure how I feel about this being the first time that I have ever spent New Year's Eve alone. Technically the kids will be in the same house, but will all be sleeping. Guess I'll probably just go to bed too! (3:11pm December 31st, 2009)
Need some advice. We have never been on a cruise, but are thinking of going on one in Feb without the kids!!! Option 1 is from Tampa to Costa Maya to Cozumel, or option 2 is from Miami to Key West to Grand Cayman. We will spend 2 extra days in the departure city after the cruise is over. Any suggestions one way or the other? Think outdoor adventure more than good shopping/eating... (6:35pm December 30th, 2009)
I hate days when I feel like I am just trying to make time pass by. Not a great way to live. (10:43am December 29th, 2009)
Got the lefse made on Christmas day with my sister...Grandma J would be so proud! (6:00pm December 27th, 2009)
So at Kye's 1 year check-up today, Kade decided to tell one of the nurses, "You have a big fat belly!" Admittedly, she did have a big fat belly, but definitely not ok to be pointing out to random people (especially women) in public. Fortunately she had a good attitude about it and just said "thank you." Nevertheless, I was mortified. (3:28pm December 21st, 2009)
So I think I may have found a loophole to my no buying ice cream agreement with my husband...sherbet!!! I had to get it for a punch recipe last night and now the leftovers are calling my name! Technically it's not ice cream, right? :) (2:53pm December 21st, 2009)
VICTORY!!! One, honest-to-goodness pull-up accomplished with no kicking or 'cheating' of any kind. Made my deadline by 11 days. Woo hoo! Now, we shall see if I can still do one 7 months from now when I can't even see my toes! :) (4:18pm December 20th, 2009)
The smell of just about everything is making me sick today...ahh, the joys of 'morning' sickness! (1:58pm December 17th, 2009)
The pregnancy cravings have officially begun...homemade mac n cheese four days in a row! (3:07pm December 13th, 2009)
So I ended up trading our old tv for 30lbs of frozen chicken breasts. Strange, I know, but we got way more for it than if I had asked for cash and I would have bought that much chicken anyway! Only catch is that I found out the lady used food stamps to buy it. Not sure how I feel about that. Either they're getting more assistance than they need or they are going to be eating ramen noodles for a while. Hmm... (2:16pm December 12th, 2009)
Note to self: don't roll down window when it's below zero outside because it might get stuck down and you will have to drive down the freeway with wind coming into your car that is -30 degrees after windchill! (10:52pm December 10th, 2009)
Ok, that was officially my best Craigslist deal EVER!!! A pint of Haagen Dazs Coffee & a pint of Starbucks Caramel Macchiato for a cardboard box! Now I'm working on trading our old tv for someone to either paint our bedroom or make us some freezer meals. This barter thing is awesome! (12:42pm December 10th, 2009)
So since I promised my husband I would not buy any ice cream as part of our church's recent fundraising campaign, I must now get creative! I am currently working out a deal to trade the box our new tv came in yesterday for some ice cream. Desperate times call for desperate measures! (10:32am December 10th, 2009)
[while I was cooking porkchops for dinner] Kade: "Mom, pork comes from pigs. Where does pizza come from?" Jacey: "From Zebras!" Kade: "Oh." (6:08pm December 8th, 2009)
trekking out to the mailbox in snowboots is certainly not something I ever missed about MN! (4:51pm December 8th, 2009)
So I've been sitting at my desk for a good 30 minutes trying to find someone to install our shower glass for a reasonable price and just realized that it is WAAAAY too quiet. I peeked into the livingroom where the kids are, expecting to see some kind of trouble in the making. To my pleasant suprise they were both just reading books quietly. I will enjoy it while it lasts! (9:52am December 3rd, 2009)
So they weren't abe to give me a due date yesterday, but they do think I'm at least a week off (as usual). Have to get a repeat ultrasound in a week or two. Oh well. (1:35pm December 1st, 2009)
Pregnancy confirmed by doctor this morning. Due date will be confirmed this afternoon. I know you will all be waiting on the edge of your seats! ;) (11:24am November 30th, 2009)
Thanks to an early Xmas gift from my husband, I am now an official owner of a TASER gun. Intruders, stay away from the Nystrom house! (8:21am November 29th, 2009)
Happy Thanksgiving! Today I am thankful that my sister and her family are here to celebrate with us, along with Nystrom baby #4 (who is due in July)! (6:39am November 26th, 2009)
Can someone please explain to me how vampires became an accepted, popular thing? I'm having a hard time understanding... (1:22pm November 24th, 2009)
Just read something in a Christian parenting book that explains so much about why I am/was the way that I am/was. So convicting that I can't help but make some changes in my parenting! (4:42pm November 23rd, 2009)
Did my first unassisted pull-up yesterday. It was not pretty and involved some kicking, so now my goal is to do one without using my legs before the end of the year. (1:49pm November 23rd, 2009)
Sooooo close to being able to do a pull-up for the first time since high school...hopefully by the end of the year! (9:03pm November 20th, 2009)
We have TONS of toys for Kye to play with, but what does he go for every time I turn my back? Our cell phone charger (which is both a choking and electrical hazard all at the same time) and our bag of paper to recycle. Find a new hobby, Baby Kye!!! (2:55pm November 19th, 2009)
Almost done tiling the MBR shower...just have to cut 3 more pieces and get them in and we can finally get the glass reinstalled! (9:15am November 18th, 2009)
Anyone know of someone in my area that has a Concept II Rowing Machine they might be willing to sell for a reasonable price??? If so, let me know! (2:42pm November 17th, 2009)
I must have been delirious this morning in thinking I could give the kids their breakfast and be able to go take a shower in peace. The kids quickly brought me back to reality! (8:16am November 14th, 2009)
As much as I don't like the thought of bambi laying dead in the woods, I hope my husband gets a deer soon so he can come back home! (2:33pm November 13th, 2009)
Finally got to take a much needed nap today and feel mostly recovered from the daylight savings time stupor! Think the kids might be mostly adjusted now too...sleep deprivation works wonders get their internal clocks switched! (3:55pm November 5th, 2009)
Hi abs, nice to see you again. It's been a long time! After working out together for almost a month we're finally starting to get reaquainted!!! (5:29pm November 2nd, 2009)
Kade's memory verse yesterday was "How beautiful, how wonderful when brothers and sisters get along." (Psalm 133:1). This morning, Jacey attempts to say the verse and this is what comes out: "How beauful, how wondaful when Kade and Jacey and Baby Kye fee fi fiddly i pokey eye pull hair!" Kade's response is "Good try sister." Too funny! (8:42am November 1st, 2009)
Whoever says you get an extra hour of sleep with daylight savings time obviously doesn't have small children (AKA alarm clocks you can't 'set back')! (7:14am November 1st, 2009)
2 weeks ago I was starting to feel guilty because I hadn't taught Jacey her letters yet. I decided to get her started by having her watch the Leap Frog Letter Factory video every day in lieu of her normal Backyardigans episode. 2 weeks later she knows every single letter and most of the letter sounds. Just goes to show how much our kids pick up from the tv they watch!!! (9:39pm October 30th, 2009)
4 pounds to go until I reach the weight I was on my wedding day...we shall see if crossfit delivers! (11:44am October 29th, 2009)
I found a chiropractor for Kade that isn't into all the crazy "I can fix the world through chiropractic" stuff, and is only charging me $5 per adjustment. At that price it's no big deal if it doesn't end up helping his asthma, and a HUGE bargain if it does! Such a relief... (7:01pm October 27th, 2009)
What a crappy day. So glad the kids are in bed and it's almost over. And I had been doing so good for the past couple weeks...darn! (6:33pm October 24th, 2009)
So I got frustrated and upset with Kade today while trying to teach him his sight words. Unfortunately it ended with me being an "ugly" mom. A couple minutes later he says to me, ""Mama, I'm sorry I wasn't reading those words. Maybe when I get bigger I will be able to read them. You are a grown up so you know what they are." Broke my heart. My kids teach and humble me daily. (10:16pm October 22nd, 2009)
Now this morning, Kade comes to me and says "Mama, I wet my bed but then I prayed that God would make it dry." I'm seeing two patterns forming here...one good, and one bad! (8:14am October 21st, 2009)
So we have a rule that the kids can look at and smell the plants outside, but not touch (unless we are with them). Kade just came inside and informed me that he asked God to help the roses grow back because he broke one of them. How am I supposed to discipline him after that comment??? (4:19pm October 20th, 2009)
Paul is out playing flag football with the kids and a neighbor boy. Guess one broken finger isn't enough... (4:40pm October 18th, 2009)
So Paul's finger is indeed broken. Probably won't need surgery, but will most likely have to be splinted for at least 6 weeks. Wonder how many times he'll have to answer the question, "Hey Doc, what'd ya do to your finger?" He's gonna love that! Funniest part is that he is on his ED Ortho rotation right now, so he could be his own patient (or doctor, depending upon how you look at it)! (11:04am October 18th, 2009)
So my husband (who is an Emergency Medicine resident) is on his way to be a PATIENT in the ER after a weekend warrior football game between the EM and Surgery residents...oh, so many jokes to be made I just can't commit to only one!!! (9:38pm October 17th, 2009)
Any of my knitting/crocheting friends willing to make me a stocking hat? I'm gonna need one (or five!)... (10:47pm October 9th, 2009)
So I was eavesdropping on my kids, and when Jacey was done playing outside and went to go inside, Kade runs around, stands in front of her and says, "No, you can't go in cause then I will be alone and won't have anyone to play with and that will make me sad." If only we were all that open and honest in our communication! (12:24pm October 9th, 2009)
The kids are playing with the ICE in the backyard kiddie pool...I think it's time to put it away!!! And snow coming this weekend...aahhh! :O (11:49am October 9th, 2009)
Kade is currently sitting on the toilet singing (loudly) "Our God is an Awesome God". (5:34pm October 6th, 2009)
It's a good day. Gloomy outside, kids their normal strong-willed selves, sink full of dishes, long to-do list, but after yesterday's message at church I made a point to start my day with God and he has helped me to find joy and peace. Might have to do it again tomorrow... (1:54pm October 5th, 2009)
lit a FIRE in the fireplace today...mother nature, you do realize it's only October 2nd, right? (9:35pm October 2nd, 2009)
Never thought I would be breaking out the heated mattress pad in September! So much for global warming... (12:15pm September 28th, 2009)
had grouplink tonight and somehow convinced 12 people to join our couple's small group...yay! (9:09pm September 27th, 2009)
Baby Kye is officially (army) crawling...guess it's time to get pregnant again! (5:38pm September 23rd, 2009)
is covered in primer, ceiling popcorn, and paint, but her new and improved laundry room is almost done! (12:33pm September 19th, 2009)
is SO excited! As many of you know, I have been wanting to find a way to connect my media center PC to my tv for a LONG time now (but have been too cheap to do what is necessary). Thanks to an awesome find on Craigslist, I have finally accomplished it for all of $20! Yay! (8:02pm September 15th, 2009)
Is back fat in style yet? I hope so, 'cause I'll be sportin' it this weekend! Darn babies... (12:34pm September 11th, 2009)
Has anyone seen my camera tripod. It seems to be missing. Perhaps it got homesick and headed back to CA??? (11:37am September 11th, 2009)
8 years ago today the events of 9/11 caused me to swallow my pride and call my ex-boyfriend who I had no intention of ever speaking to again. That ex-boyfriend is now my husband! God brings good out of evil...I love you husband! (10:02am September 11th, 2009)
Anybody want to go on a cruise with us without the kids?!? We're going somewhere warm in February... (10:01am September 10th, 2009)
is finally ready to enter the 21st century and get an LCD tv. Not sure I want to take the risk of buying an item like this on Craigslist (gasp!), so anyone know how I can get an awesome deal on a decent 46"? (10:36pm September 9th, 2009)
My nephew's birthday is today; he turns 9 on 09/09/09...how cool is that!?! (7:28am September 9th, 2009)
just installed a toilet in her new bathroom with only a tad bit of help from her husband (he was too busy CrossFitting to do it, go figure!)...I am woman, hear me flush! (10:09pm September 7th, 2009)
So we were out checking out all the veggies in our garden when we noticed a bite out of the side of our biggest pumpkin. At first we thought maybe a rabbit had gotten it, but then after several "I didn't do it"s from the kids, Jacey finally fessed up... (9:33am September 3rd, 2009)
just in case there is anyone out there who didn't already know this...I LOVE CRAIGSLIST!!! :) (9:19pm September 2nd, 2009)
is becoming an expert in drywall spackling...new laundry room is almost done though, yay! (4:46pm September 1st, 2009)
Took Kade to the Chiropractor today hoping it might help his Asthma. Now I need the wisdom to decide how often and how long I should continue taking him... (2:25am August 28th, 2009)
Just chopped my hair off...literally! Got so fed up with it this morning that I grabbed a scissors and cut about 6 inches off. It's just hair...it'll grow back, right?!? (1:22pm August 27th, 2009)
Has to wipe out her computer AGAIN and start all over. Maybe this time I'll listen to all my computer saavy friends and stay away from explorer. Firefox, here I come! (8:18am August 20th, 2009)
Garage Sale is OVER! Yay! Still have our fridge to sell, but at least the stove is gone! (7:44pm August 15th, 2009)
Day 1 of 3-day garage sale is over...Paul will not be happy if these appliances don't sell! (8:03pm August 13th, 2009)
Jacey went home with the in-laws until Sunday, Kade is sick and up in bed, and Kye is just chillin in his exersaucer...what to do with all this time?!? (11:36am August 11th, 2009)
scale telling me all my baby weight is finally gone = happy mama, but baby cutting teeth for 4 hours last night = tired mama! (7:54am August 6th, 2009)
crossed TONS of things off her to-do list today thanks to a last-minute visit from her parents...thanks mom and dad! (9:50pm August 4th, 2009)
summer in MN suddenly feels like winter in San Diego...a balmy 57 degrees! Brrr... (2:02pm July 17th, 2009)
had friends over to her house for the first time since she moved to MN. Finally her house feels like a home! (8:18pm July 12th, 2009)
Is excited to try out a new church she found on Sunday (although she'll never be able to replace Eastlake)... (3:22pm June 24th, 2009)
Had to retake her MN driver's written drivers test on Friday...luckily she passed! (9:46pm June 14th, 2009)