Despite having planned to have four kids since I got married, shortly before Jolie was born I had some major doubts about whether I would be able to stay home with four kids and not lose my sanity. Well, despite yesterday's post I am happy to report that I am doing it. Although our house is much louder, there are more dishes in the sink, and our laundry piles seem to be bigger every day, I can honestly say that life is good. Crazy, but good. Although four kids means four times the arguments, discipline, and tears, it also means four times the fun, laughter, and love! Since the day we decided to start trying to have kids, our guiding verse has been Psalm 127:3-5,
"Don't you see that children are God's best gift, the fruit of the womb, his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children!"
I obviously have my stressful moments, but I feel more blessed now than ever before and a big part of that has to do with my kids. I have discovered that I
can love four little people as much as I did one (I remember being worried about that when I only had Kade), and I feel like I am actually becoming a better mom (and person) with each child I have and with each day that passes. I pray that trend continues!